
Professional & Academic History

A brief overview of my professional and academic history

Professional History

5/3 Bank

Business Analyst | Summer 2016

Participated in the Information Technology Leadership Program, working with the Access Assurance team in Information Security ensuring internal access was properly assigned. Also, built a network with senior IT leaders at the bank.
The Information Technology Leadership Program internship is a 10-week summer experience in one area within Information Technology. It provides an opportunity to work on a project that is aligned with Fifth Third's strategic initiatives.

Midwest Utility Consultants

Application Manager | Summer 2015 - Present

Responsibilities include requirements gathering, designing, writing, testing, releasing, and maintaining internal business applications. Recent business applications have increased operational efficiency, improved invoice quality, enabled targeted marketing, and created revenue analysis capabilities.

Adventis CG

Student Trainer | Fall 2014 - Spring 2015

Conducted advertising and sales to grow the business on Ohio State's campus. Responsible for demonstrating excel/financial modeling concepts in class for the Adventis Valuation & LBO financial modeling courses.

Student Painters

Branch Manager | Summer 2014

Responsible for running the Anderson branch of Student Painters. Responsibilities included advertising, sales, hiring, training, customer relations, and bookkeeping. The branch generated $43,000 in revenue, $6,000 in net income, employed 12 individuals, and satisfied 30 clients over the course of 12 weeks.


Ohio State University

Bachelor's Degree | May 2017

Major: Business Administration with a Specialization in Managment Information Systems
Minor: Economics
GPA: 3.7

Miami Valley Christian Academy

Honors High School Diploma | June 2013

MVCA is a private Christian high school in Newtown, OH.
GPA: 3.9


A quick look at my skills and accomplishments


Each internship has developed different skills in various areas, giving me a well-rounded understanding of business and technology. My first Internship was with Student Painters, which developed my inter-personal skills such as: sales, leadership, management, customer relationship management, and communication. My second internship and part-time job throughout college has been Applicaiton Manager for Midwest Utility Consultants. This has sharpened my technical skills in Java, VBA, Excel, and Telephony. My final internship with 5/3 Bank gave me exposure to a corporate IT setting and helped me understand how larger organizaions manage their many IT roles and responsibilities.

Technical Skills

Languages I have worked with include Java, VBA, SQL, COBOL, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and Python. My experience with these languages has been professional, academic, and personal. One of my greatest strengths is the ability to familiarize myself with new tecnologies through self-study and application.
Example: Going into my first Java course, I spent a few hours watching videos on the subject to familiarize myself with the language. After eight to twelve hours of online learning, I had found that I had taught myself an entire semester's worth of knowledge in a few hours and was even able to complete the final project within the first week of class.


Certifications and accomplishments I have been awareded

Academic Program

I was accepted into The Fisher College of Business Dean's Leadership Accademy which is a 3 credit hour course with the goal of building up the next generation of business leaders. This was an opportunity for me to recieve leadership mentoring from industry experts Professor Tony Rucci, former Director of HR at Cardinal Health, and Professor Jeff Rodek, former CEO of Hyperion. Only the top 3% of students, ranked by GPA, are invited to apply. The top 40% of applicants, according to their leadership experience and potential, are accepted to participate in the program.


I was awarded a FMC™ Level I Certification from Adventis. This required that I:

  • Build a three-statement, fully circular and properly formatted financial model from "scratch" in under 90 minutes.
  • Develop an understanding of key concepts in financial modeling, accouting, and corporate finance.


I have been awared the honor of being named to the Dean's List four times as recognition for a semester GPA of 3.5 or greater. I am very proud of these accomplishments and while I do not believe that a GPA is the perfect indicator of success, I do believe that it speaks to my interest in the subject matter, my drive to achieve results, and is reflective of my general interest in learning. I am a life-long learner and I will continue to sharpen my skills throughout my career.



More about me outside of work


I am a proud Buckeye and a fan of the Scarlet and Gray! Being a Buckeye is much more than just a degree from Ohio State. Being a buckeye means you're proud to have Ohio as a part of your legacy. We're proud of our OSU sports (namely our football team), and we support them on game day.


A significant part of my life is music. I love writing, playing, recording, and performing music. I am involved in my church, playing drums and occasionally the guitar. In High School, my friends and I would participate in various competitions including battle of the bands and talent shows.

Travel & Adventure

I love to travel and I'm always up for an adventure. I have:

  • Been scuba diving in Grand Caymen
  • Hiked in Yellowstone National Park
  • Four-wheeled in Kentucky
  • Been Off-roading in Sedona, AZ
  • Explored Caves in Indiana
  • Completed a mini-triathalon in Michigan
  • Been Baptized in the Jordan River, Israel
  • Built homes in Belize


Family is very important to me. We love to vacation and spend time together. My two younger brothers and parents live in Cincinnati, OH. My extended family takes a week every summer to go down to the Outer Banks, NC and enjoy the beach together.


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Personal References
Technical Project Work: Professional + Academic
Academic Course List
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